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Monthly Archives: May 2021

  1. Want a perfect lawn? Here are the top 7 Lawn Care & Maintenance tips

    Are you envying over your neighbors’ lawn? If you believe that a healthy lawn contributes only to the aesthetic appeal, you are probably mistaken!

    A perfect lawn makes up for a perfect home. The pros of lawn maintenance are incredible, and many. Lawn maintenance is not a difficult task if done correctly and with discipline. Remember, if a lawn is not maintained well, it gets useless within no time. 

    Just like your child requires nurturing, your lawn also needs care.  And by investing little time and effort, you can transform your lawn into a lush green and healthy garden. Here are some marvellous tips that could convert your not “so-sweet” lawn into a stunning panorama.

    1. Weeds Are Undesirable
    It is akin to stating that bad habits are intolerable. What you want are neat grass, not weeds and mosses. The quality of soil can get deteriorated, and the grass coarse can become sick. Weeds are easily identifiable and need to be eradicated at the root level. There are a lot of tools that can make your lawn maintenance simpler and headache-free. However, do not get lazy and make use of a chemical weedkiller! Though weed killers can sound attractive, they will not only hurt your pocket, but also the life of your lawn.

    2. The Lawnmower Is a Blessing in Disguise
    Yes, you read it right. Manual pruning takes a lot of energy and time and also does not yield expected results. Lawnmowers nowadays are easily affordable. So the question arises why do you even need lawn mower Read more »
  2. Benefits of Using V2V Technology in the Logistics Sector

    There has been a lot of talk in recent times about connected vehicles and how they can benefit the logistics sector. Before getting into a discussion about the potential pros and cons, let’s first talk about what connected vehicles really are. We will then walk you through the benefits that the logistics sector can avail with the use of connected vehicles.

    Connected vehicular technology is basically a wireless system that allows different vehicles to communicate with one another. In addition, it also provides vehicles the ability to digitally interact with different types of infrastructure including traffic lights and other things.

    How the System Works

    Connected vehicles communicate with the help of devices installed in them. These devices can catch warning signals about things like accidents, hazardous weather conditions, road blockades/closures, and other such issues on the road.

    The idea behind connected vehicle technology is to ensure clear and effective wireless communication between vehicles (also known as vehicle-to-vehicle or V2V), between vehicles and infrastructure (also called vehicle-to-infrastructure or V2I), and between vehicles and personal digital devices (also known as vehicle-to-device or V2X).  

    There are many great possibilities with connected vehicle technology. The goal of a safer, greener, and smarter network of road transport as well as a smarter road transport industry can be achieved with the help of this futuristic technology. The idea is to revitalize road transport systems around the world to achieve the following.

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