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  1. Safety Boots and Shoes - What All You Need to Know



    When you think of safety boots and shoes, you probably think of steel-toed, high-top construction boots. While these are the most common type of protective footwear, they are not the only ones on the market. Safety Boots and shoes come in many varieties, offering different levels of protection depending on the risks you face every day at work or play. So what features do you need to look for? How do you choose the right pair? Here's what you need to know about safety boots and shoes so that you can protect yourself from injuries or illnesses at work or on the go. 

    What are Safety Shoes?

    Safety Shoes or safety boots are personal protective equipment (PPE) used in workplaces for foot protection. Safety boots or work shoes may be necessary for various settings, including kitchens, construction, warehouses, and factory works. Different types of safety shoes, on the other hand, are made to suit different conditions. 

    What are the different types of Safety Shoes available in the market?
    Not all safety boots are created equal. Safety boots come in a wide variety of styles, but they all have just one purpose in common- to protect your feet. Ideal safety shoes should be durable, reliable, comfortable and most importantly, affordable. Depending upon the type of probable hazard, below are the various types of safety shoes available in the market. Let's have Read more »

  2. How to Choose the Right Food Processor


    How to Choose the Right Food Processor


    One of the best ways to take the hassle out of preparing meals is to use a food processor. Not only do food processors save time spent on chopping, but they also help you prepare ingredients in just the right way, whether that means whipping cream into soft peaks or making hearty purees and smoothies- Food processors can do it all. Here is our range of best food processors available on Mena Hub. 

    If you buy a food processor and don't know where to start, you have come to the right spot. There are so many options out there, all priced differently and have different features that may or may not apply to your kitchen needs. This guide will help you pick the suitable food processor with information on choosing the right food processor for your kitchen. 


    1) Size/Capacity

    The size of your food processor will depend on what you plan on doing with it. Small, hand-held devices are best for chopping, mincing and blending small amounts of food at a time. Medium-sized models are generally used in restaurants because they can handle significantly larger volumes of food, but they're also suitable for preparing meals at home. On the other Read more »

  3. Top Reasons to Switch to an Electric Kettle

    Electric kettles, also called electric water boilers, are quickly growing in popularity. And it's easy to see why! Instead of using an old-fashioned stovetop kettle or even a microwave to heat your water, you can use an electric kettle and watch it do all the work for you – no more waiting around! 

    Kettles in Qatar are gaining in popularity because they do the job better than traditional methods. They're also more efficient than microwaves in terms of time and energy use. Also, electric kettles make your life easier and less stressful, making them very worth the initial investment. Here are the top reasons why you should switch to an electric kettle:-

    1) Convenience
    If you're in a rush and can't wait for your water to boil on your stove, electric kettles are convenient. An electric kettle heats up in minutes, not hours. For busy people who don't have time to wait, electric kettles are a lifesaver! Convenience is one of many benefits that come with having an electric kettle instead of a stovetop model. There's no need for extra pots and pans when you can take out your electric kettle whenever you need hot water, tea, or coffee.

    2) Ease of Use
    Another reason you should switch to an electric kettle is the ease of use. Electric kettles are fast, easy, and hassle-free. Using them is like a breeze. Clean-up is easy, too—all you have to do is take off the lid and wipe it out. An electric kettle doesn't take up much space either; many are compact enough to fit on your countertop without taking up too much space at all. 

    3) Taste
    Different bev Read more »
  4. Selecting the Right Welding Machine : Welding Machine Buyer's Guide

    In the technical industries, machinery plays a vital role. Different types of machinery perform different tasks suiting their abilities. One such type of machinery is the welding machine. 

    Before going on to welding machines, let us understand what welding means.

    Welding is the process of joining two metal parts by melting them and allowing them to stick together with robust strength. Welding has numerous applications in almost all industries, including electrical, mechanical, technical, and a lot more.

    The machines which are used to execute this melting of metals and joint them together are called welding machines. Welding machines produce heat with the help of electricity and melt the metal. Once the metal is soft, it sticks to another metal part to which it should be joint. Thus, it creates a strong connection between the metals and prevents them from tearing apart.

    Different types of welding machines are available on the market.

    Numerous welding machines are available in the market, and you can buy the best range of welding machines at Menahub. The type of welding machine to be used varies with the type of welding you need. Therefore, before choosing a welding machine, you need to choose the welding technique you need to apply to gain the best results. Also, welding machines can be classified based on the types of machines they are using. The underlying list describes the types of machines based on the areas they are used. Let’s have a quick look at these types!

    1. Inverter welding machine: Inverter welding machines often have internet attached t Read more »

  5. A Brief Understanding of Portable Welding Machines

    Manual welding is a daily operation for many companies across all fields. Since demands are pretty in this sector, the majority of the users expect excellent weld-seam quality and need their manual resources to be efficient, versatile, and long-lasting. To meet those challenges and expectations, portable welding machines are the perfect solution. Let's read more about Portable Welding Machines. 


    What are Portable Welding Machines?

    Portable welding machines are the ones that can be moved from one place to another easily. As they are easy to carry and port, thus, named as portable welding machines. These welders are designed for travel and portability. They are an excellent option for quick fixes on projects around your home or any industrial or commercial site. Most portable welding machines do not require any external source of power for working. To run them, all you need is a torch, also known as a welding gun, which runs on acetylene or some other fuel like MAPP gas or propane to work. 

    Why Do You Need a Portable Welding Machine?

    Portable welding machines offer a wide range of benefits and are easy to carry from one place to another. Some of the most profound benefits of portable welding machines are as follows which will surely convince your mind to get one for yourself: -

    1. Portability: Portable welders are easy to move around since these machines are sturdy, lightweight, and can easily be transported from one place to another without lifting them. These machines tend to be lighter and smaller than their bigger counterparts, making them more accessible and less expensive to ship. That also means you can set one up in a truck Read more »

  6. Benefits of Buying a Fully Automatic Coffee Machine

    We live in a busy world, with people constantly on the go. Although it may be convenient to grab an unhealthy coffee on your way out, it will not only make you feel bad about yourself later but will hurt your pocket as well. At some point in the life of every coffee lover, the question of whether or not to buy an automatic coffee machine arises. If you are considering purchasing such a device, you will want to be sure that you have considered all the benefits that come with owning one. These machines are easy to use and program, so you can continue doing what you need to do. They also come with many functions that allow for great tasting coffee that any coffee lover would love to enjoy. Here are some benefits of buying an automatic machine: -

    Save Time

    If you enjoy drinking coffee but don’t have time to prepare it at home or at office, buying an automatic coffee machine is well worth it. Most models can be programmed to brew ahead of time and start brewing at a specific time to be ready when you wake up. This convenience not only makes your mornings easier, but it saves you money, too, since pre-packaged ground coffee is more expensive than freshly ground beans. Another benefit of these machines is that they are fully programmable and will even alert you when something needs to be cleaned or replaced.

    Save Money

    If you’re living on your own, having to purchase coffee daily can quickly add up. A fully automatic coffee machine will help you avoid spending tons of money on daily lattes. A fully automatic machine uses reusable K-Cups, making it possible to enjoy your favorite gourmet coffees at very low price. Even, if you are considering buying an automatic coffee machine for your office or workplace, they can prove to be very cost effective than anything else in the long run.  In addition, these machines are much cheaper in general, and they use less energy than their single-serve counterparts. Sin Read more »

  7. Reduce The Risk of Heat Stress With Heat Stress Tracker

    Heat stress is becoming increasingly common in various parts of the world. It can be classified as a huge problem that the world currently faces, and its effects are even more devastating. As the temperature has started soaring across the Gulf region, Qatar has introduced strict measures to protect workers from heat stress.  

    Blue-collar workers, who are engaged in fields like agriculture, mining, construction, and quarrying spend most of their time outside and are particularly vulnerable to heat stress. Heat exhaustion, heatstroke, and sometimes even death are the overall health consequences caused by heat stress.

    What is Heat Stress?

    Heat stress is a condition that can be caused by prolonged exposure to intense heat. Heat stress occurs when the body cannot sustain a healthy temperature in reaction to a hot environment; the body temperature rises very quickly, and the body itself becomes unable to cool down. During these times, the body temperature can rise to 106-degree Fahrenheit or even higher, along with an increased heartbeat rate. The most common types of heat stress are heat cramps, heat rashes, and heatstroke. 

    Possible signs and symptoms of heat stress include:

    - Thirst

    - Sweating profusely

    - Muscle cramps

    - Low Blood Pressure

    - Fast, weak pulse

    - Tiredness and weakness

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  8. Safety Goggles – A must-have protection for your eyes!

    Our eyes are the most delicate part of our body and should be cared for in all conditions. 

    Eyes give us visibility to see around the world and help us to do everything with perfection. Any damage to the eyes will be a considerable loss to pay for, and thus it's always better to be on the safe side. 

    Eye protection is the most essential when dealing with chemical, radiological, or even surrounding environmental irritants. These irritants can affect the protective covering of the eye and damage the delicate internal parts. The most effective way to protect your eyes in such hazardous surroundings is through Eye-shields, also known as Goggles, safety glasses, etc. 

    What are Eye Shields or Safety Goggles?

    Eye shields protect your eyes from foreign bodies entering your eyes and protect them from harmful UV rays (based on the material used for the lens).

    In earlier times, the glass was used as a safety material for making the lens of protective goggles as it doesn't react with almost every compound. However, with the change in trend and new research, polycarbonate is the latest lens material commonly used to make protective goggles. The aspects that make polycarbonate a great hit are:-

    - It is lightweight and more comfortable than glass.

    - Polycarbonate has all the impact-resistant properties which make it pretty secure to use.

    - These lenses are made of soft material, therefore, do not shatter or break as a glass lens does. Read more »

  9. Ice Maker Machines for Endless Ice Supply

    When it comes to ice makers, there are literally hundreds of options to choose from. And while this might seem like great news to anyone with a love of Ice, finding the right machine can be pretty stressful. So here's an overview of the most popular types available today, along with some important features to look out for. With this information, you'll be able to easily pick out the perfect ice machine or ice maker in no time!


    Not all Ice is the same. There are different types of ice cubes used for different purposes. Knowing the purpose of an ice cube, as well as the best use and setting for it, will help you narrow down your options when choosing an ice machine for your business. There are mainly four types of Ice cubes:- 

    Full Cube Ice

    Full cubes have precise form and size, typically two-by-two inches. They have an optimal surface area, so they release the maximum amount of energy to melt slowly in drinks like iced coffee or mixed drinks, where your cocktail dilutes as it melts. Also, they offer a clean appearance to your drink.

    Half Cube

    Half Cube Ices are the regularly used Ice. Since it is the most common type of ice cube found in every freezer, you must have been using it regularly. Half-cube Ice is typically used in iced drinks; it is an excellent way to chill a drink without watering it down. It melts quickly, so if you're looking for something that will keep your drink cold for long periods, consider using something else. Half-cube ice is perfect for mixed drinks. 

    Crushed Ice

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  10. Surveying Instruments and Their Uses

    What is Surveying? 

    When undergoing any construction, the basic thing to do is survey the area. But what does surveying in the actual terms mean? Surveying is the process of determining the relative position of the specific points on, above, or below the surface level of the earth. This is done with the surveying instruments.


    What are Surveying Instruments?

    Surveying instruments are the measuring equipment used to take direct or indirect measurements of distance, direction, depth, and elevation. 


    There are a variety of surveying instruments available that can be beneficial in measuring the relative aspects. 


    Types of Surveying Instruments

    There are two types of surveying instruments used to get accurate measurements. The first one is Linear measurements, and the second one is angular measurements.


    Linear Measurement: Linear measurements measure the distance, direction, depth, or elevation in terms of length. 


    Angular Measurement: Angular measurements are related to the rotational and angular measures. 


    Common Surveying Instruments and their uses

    Now, we will discuss some of the major and most commonly used surveying instruments and their respective features. Read more »
