There has been a lot of talk in recent times about connected vehicles and how they can benefit the logistics sector. Before getting into a discussion about the potential pros and cons, let’s first talk about what connected vehicles really are. We will then walk you through the benefits that the logistics sector can avail with the use of connected vehicles.

Connected vehicular technology is basically a wireless system that allows different vehicles to communicate with one another. In addition, it also provides vehicles the ability to digitally interact with different types of infrastructure including traffic lights and other things.

How the System Works

Connected vehicles communicate with the help of devices installed in them. These devices can catch warning signals about things like accidents, hazardous weather conditions, road blockades/closures, and other such issues on the road.

The idea behind connected vehicle technology is to ensure clear and effective wireless communication between vehicles (also known as vehicle-to-vehicle or V2V), between vehicles and infrastructure (also called vehicle-to-infrastructure or V2I), and between vehicles and personal digital devices (also known as vehicle-to-device or V2X).  

There are many great possibilities with connected vehicle technology. The goal of a safer, greener, and smarter network of road transport as well as a smarter road transport industry can be achieved with the help of this futuristic technology. The idea is to revitalize road transport systems around the world to achieve the following.

  • Significantly reduced fatalities and road traffic accidents.

  • Managing driver fatigue by observing eye movement with the help of real-time cameras as well as dash cams to monitor the traffic and send an alert to the driver accordingly.

Real-Time Tracking

Traffic managers will be able to access data so that transport performance can be reviewed with accuracy and the system can be managed actively in real-time for best results and optimal performance.


All drivers and vehicle owners will have updated information about weather patterns, travel routes, and the possible cost and environmental impact of using these options.

Optimal Vehicle Usage and Routing

Vehicles will be able to interact with traffic signal mechanisms so that unnecessary stoppages can be minimized and drivers can operate their vehicles in a highly fuel-efficient manner.

Some of the biggest issues that the road transport industry faces can be tackled and solved with the help of connected vehicle technology. These include safety, mobility, and the environmental impact of the use of vehicles among others.


Hundreds and thousands of road accidents take place every year which result in countless deaths and all types of fatal and non-fatal injuries. With the help of connected vehicle technology, these myriad accidents can be reduced drastically which will resultantly save so many lives.

This connected vehicle technology comes with crash prevention mechanisms. According to this, a vehicle is able to identify potential hazards that a driver may not be able to see and provide this information back to the driver. These alerts and warnings will ultimately prevent many accidents.

For instance, a driver operating a connected vehicle will be alerted to a pothole up ahead or an approaching school zone or a slippery part of the road. In the same way, the driver can be alerted to any merging traffic or if the car up in front suddenly brakes. This can prevent many possible sudden crashes by enabling the driver to react in time based on the information provided by the connected vehicle.

In a similar fashion, vehicles can pick up information about cyclists and pedestrians. This will be especially helpful on blind turns and also if there are any cyclists/pedestrians/bikers in the driver’s blind spot. 


Connected vehicle systems can help avoid traffic jams and congestions, thereby saving everyone’s time. On average, drivers spend about 3 weeks stuck in traffic and their journeys take about 30 per cent longer than they would do if the traffic was free-flowing.

For businesses and transport companies, this translates into millions in terms of indirect costs. This includes things like extra fuel consumption due to the vehicles being stuck in traffic and lost time which could have been used to cover more routes. With the help of connected vehicle systems, drivers will be able to choose routes that will reduce their commute time.

In the case of mobility, the system provides a well-connected and data-rich structure that is based on the info obtained from thousands of other vehicles that are making use of the system at the same time. This data can be very helpful for transport managers in effectively monitoring and managing the performance of the transport setup. For instance, driver routes can be managed better and the available resources can be utilized in a highly efficient manner.

Compliance Adherence

Data obtained from V2V and V2I communications will assist fleet managers in ensuring that their drivers are following the rules of the road, taking required breaks, filling out paperwork, and performing appropriate safety checks. This information can also be used to ensure that items are delivered in the proper conditions, such as within a predetermined temperature range etc. 


Connected vehicle systems will help drivers make better decisions while driving. This will improve fuel efficiency and decrease carbon emissions. With the help of real-time information on traffic jams and congestions, drivers will be able to make more informed decisions and choose alternative routes that will reduce fuel consumption. As a result, the impact on the environment will be decreased.

In addition, because vehicles will now be able to interact with traffic signal systems, this will provide useful information to the driver so that he/she can drive through the intersection at optimal speed without excessive braking or slowing down too much.

Final Thoughts

Currently, vehicle-to-vehicle contact devices can only give alerts to drivers. The technology has progressed well beyond its infancy, and efforts to develop the next generation of V2V technologies with autonomous driving in mind are well advanced. That ensures the system would be able to take charge of a vehicle in the case of spotting any danger to prevent any mishap.V2 v Technology has the ability to save lives and maximise driving performance, resulting in significant increases in fleet productivity.